

group365 | A Diverse Portfolio of Agencies



Health365 - Healthcare Publisher & Marketing Agency

Health365 - 医疗健康资讯发布及营销机构

Health365 Pte. Ltd. 是一家亚洲医疗康养、医学美容内容发布机构。

Influencer Marketing | Executive Hub

MCN Asia - 网红营销及中国市场推广营销公司

MCNAsia Agency Pte. Ltd. 是一家位于新加坡(总部)和中国的网红营销及中国市场营销公司,旗下拥有超过 3,000 名资深的酒店与旅游类、医疗保健类、生活方式类博主/达人助力品牌推广。

Executive Hub - MICE Travel Agency & ATO

Executive Hub - 商旅会展旅行社与认证培训机构

Executive Hub Pte. Ltd. 自2019年起成为新加坡WSQ认证培训机构(简称ATO)之一,也是一家提供一站式商旅会展服务的新加坡旅行社(执照号TA03620),可为医疗健康及教育行业客户提供推广需求。


group365 致力于提供专业的营销综合解决方案,通过聚合多个专业领域的营销机构,满足客户多元化业务需求。这些机构有:医疗健康资讯发布及营销机构、网红营销及中国市场推广营销公司、商旅会展旅行社与认证培训机构。

George 获得美国俄勒冈大学的金融与市场营销学位后,在新加坡顶尖的有线电视运营商开始了媒体销售职业生涯。他很早就认识到互联网的潜力,之后陆续加入Lycos和24/7 Asia等几家大型互联网公司。

George 也是一位连续创业者,在其职业生涯中与微软、Meta、微博和腾讯等多家公司维持合作伙伴关系。他为人坚韧、务实且具有批判性思维,在工作闲暇之余喜欢旅游以及和两个女儿共度美好亲子时光。

George Foo is Group365’s Chief Executive Officer.

With a strong belief in integrated solutions for marketers, group365 serves clients with a diverse portfolio of agencies specializing in various areas of expertise, including MICE Travel, ATO (Approved Training Organization), Content & SEO Marketing, and Healthcare Publisher & Marketing.

Having obtained a degree in Finance and Marketing from the University of Oregon, George began his career in the media sales industry at a leading cable TV operator in Singapore. Recognising the potential of the internet early on, he joined several major internet companies like Lycos and 24/7 Asia.

George is also a serial entrepreneur, having started multiple ventures partnering companies like Microsoft, Meta, Weibo and Tencent throughout his career. Known for his grit, critical thinking, and pragmatism, he enjoys traveling and spending quality time with his two daughters during his leisure time.

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